Iskandar , Pamekasan PPP member , said , although in the center of the PPP coalition has agreed to support partner - Hatta Prabowo , but in Pamekasan there is still no formal instruction from DPC chairman of PPP .
He further argued that the instruction was essential to strengthening support to the lower level . Although there has been no instruction from DPC PPP cadres in parliament Pamekasan will remain loyal to the ruling party that has clearly supports to mate Prabowo - Hatta .
( Read: murai batu termahal )
" But I ask firmness to the DPC PPP to immediately issue instructions that cadres solid , " said Iskandar , Wednesday ( 05/28/2014 ) .
In general , according to Iskandar , every cadre PPP already have an idea of a candidate who will be supported . Even cultural figures support the PPP has also set up systematically . Moreover, PPP in Pamekasan be Pileg election winner yesterday .
Meanwhile , Wazirul Jihad , General Secretary PPP Pamekasan DPC admitted that he has to establish communication with the governing parties in Pamekasan as national party coalition . Prabowo - Hatta bearer party had closed ranks to victory in Pamekasan .